A banana tree on the article Why Are My Banana Plant Leaves Turning Yellow

Why Are My Banana Plant Leaves Turning Yellow? How to Fix it

You will find many varieties of banana trees, and although we call them trees, they don’t have a woody stem but, in reality, are herbaceous plants.

Its fleshy, upright stalks aid in the growth of bright green leaves.

You can also plant a banana tree inside your home; although you won’t get any fruit inside your house, the look of a banana tree adds color and freshness to your room!

Most banana trees like warm climates as they are natives to places where the weather is usually hot.

There are some banana trees which like cold climates as well. These trees have fast growth, and generally, you should plant them in spring.

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Banana Tree Care

A banana plant leafBanana trees are easy to take care of. If you have enough knowledge and understanding of how to grow this plant, you can easily see a happy plant in front of your eyes, whether indoors or outdoors.

However, make sure you don’t put your banana tree in a place where it is windy since they are highly susceptible to leave damage due to harsh winds.

It is a better idea to mix some compost in your soil before you plant your banana tree. Also, look for a place where your banana tree can fit easily since it is a big plant!

Spring to fall is banana trees growing season, and you might have to water this plant quite a lot.

They are water hogs, and you might need to water them daily.


Banana trees like to stay in full sun that means around six hours of direct sunlight every day.

Some banana plants do not like direct sunlight and can be sunburned if kept in direct sunlight for too long.


They love slightly acidic soil, organically rich with good drainage. However, they have a low tolerance for salt in the soil.

Temperature and Humidity

Banana plants love to stay in warm, humid conditions but don’t like extreme temperatures. They prefer temperatures ranging between 75 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit.

Cold and dry conditions is the leading cause of a banana tree dying and if you want to raise the humidity, try misting your leaves occasionally.


Banana trees love fertilizer and are heavy feeders. It would be best if you fertilized them occasionally, especially during the growing season.

Types of Banana Tree

There are many species of banana trees. We have listed down some of the variety of banana trees below:

  • Musa Acuminata: This type of banana tree often reaches 12 to 20 feet tall and is known for its paddle-shaped leaves that grow around 6 to 10 inches tall.
  • Musa Ornata: It is commonly known as a flowering plant and is grown for its ornamental value. However, its fruit is not eaten.
  • Musa Basjoo: This tree reaches 6 to 14 feet in height and is known as the Japanese banana.

Why Are My Banana Plant Leaves Turning Yellow?

If your banana plant leaves are turning yellow, the main reason is that it’s not getting the adequate nutrients it needs.

Poor drainage, inadequate fertilization, overwatering and fungal infections are some of the most reasons for the yellow leaves of your banana plant.

However, all these problems can be solved and require a simple fix!

A banana tree that lacks potassium will show yellow tips of leaves or margins.

A nitrogen deficiency will lead to yellowing in older leaves, and lack of zinc, magnesium, or copper will yellow strip perpendicular to the leave’s central vein.

It is also possible that poor soil type may also cause your banana plant leaves to turn yellow, and too much saline in your soil can also be a cause for the banana plant leaves turning yellow.

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Why Are My Banana Plant Leaves Turning Brown?

To find the solution to this problem, we need to diagnose the problem first!

Usually, brown banana plant leaves do not restrict themselves to the tips but often travel inward and affect the entire leaf.

To make sure we return our banana plant to its healthy self, we need to find the problem.

Too much and too little water can stress the plant resulting in the banana leaves turning brown.

This is because of the inability of water-clogged roots to circulate moisture and nutrients.

Also, don’t move the plant from a low light area to a high light area since that will cause the plant to sunburn, and your banana plant leaves can turn brown.

Heat and cold often cause the browning of banana plant leaves.

If you are enjoying this article. Check out why are your banana plant leaves curling here.

Why Are My Banana Plant Leaves Drooping?

A banana tree

Banana plant leaves may droop due to certain reasons. It might not be getting enough sunlight or little or overwatering.

It can also be that you didn’t use the right amount of fertilizer for your plant!

However, whatever the cause is, it is a good idea to see what the problem is.

You should keep your plant away from direct sunlight if it were in direct sunlight; however, if it was not, then maybe you should move it to a brighter spot.

Also, make sure you’re giving it just enough water, since overwatering or underwatering the plant can also cause your banana plant leaves to droop.

Make sure you don’t use any fertilizer on the plant until the plant has started to grow vigorously!

How Often Do You Water A Banana Tree?

Banana trees are natives and originate in rainforests, and hence they demand a lot of water and like to be in moist surroundings.

It is a good idea to plant them close to each other since this helps in retaining the moisture and make sure you do not overwater your banana tree since that can cause root rot.

The soil of your banana tree should be constantly moist but do not let it sit in a pool of water as this can cause problems.

Should You Cut Dead Leaves Off Banana Trees?

Trimming is always a good idea! If you feel your banana tree doesn’t look like its usual self, it is better to trim off the dead leaves.

This encourages growth and gives your tree a beautiful look as well! You might also need to trim the leaves if your trees succumb to harsh winds.

However, don’t be sad if you have to cut off the leaves of your banana tree.

It is necessary to remove damaged, yellow or brown leaves from your plant to ensure healthy growth and help the plant stay happy and healthy!

How Do You Revive A Dying Banana Plant?

Banana trees tend to grow up to 10 feet and measure between 2 to 4 feet in width.

If you are trying to revive a dying banana plant by cutting or trimming leaves, you might need a ladder first! Make sure you have all the right equipment to do this task.

However, an indoor banana plant is a lot more manageable than an outdoor one, thankfully! So if you have one indoors, then don’t worry. You can quickly revive your dying banana plant!

Cut away dead leaves all the way to the trunk to stimulate flowering and production of fruit. It will also reduce the risk of disease.

It is a good idea to prune your banana plant before the onset of winter to help the plant grow better leaves when spring arrives.

Pruning your banana tree leaves is highly essential, and you will see it for yourself when you do it!

If your banana tree is happy, you will see it from the way its leaves look, but an unhappy plant will have a wilted look, and your banana tree leaves might even die because of this reason.

Potting And Repotting Banana Trees

Banana trees can grow in containers, but they still need a minimum of 15-gallon pots for optimal growth.

It would be a good idea to ensure that the pot has adequate drainage holes and an organically rich potting mix.

A benefit of potting your banana tree would be that you can bring it inside if the weather outside is not suitable for your plant.

Potted banana trees will need more water and more care than the banana tree, which is in the ground.

They might not even reach their maximum height since they will not reach their full potential of growth.

However, many people still prefer to keep this plant in a pot because it is easy to take care of compared to the one in the ground.

You will need to repot your banana tree every three years.

Get Your Banana Tree Here!


Final Thoughts

A banana treeMost gardeners who are adventurous will go for a banana tree. Although this plant is easy to take care of, its size is often a problem for many.

However, this shouldn’t stop you from achieving your goal of growing a banana tree or a plant.

There are many varieties of this plant, and if you don’t want a larger banana tree, you can go for a smaller plant.

Pruning might be necessary for your banana plant because it helps to solve many problems you might face like, the leaves turning yellow or brown, or drooping leaves.

Hence it’s always a good idea to prune your banana tree to ensure that you have a healthy and happy plant!

Happy gardening!

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